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The firm is made of a team of talented professionals with different educations and cultures, specializations, creativity and initiative, which are daily supported by staff who contributes to the maintenance of quality services.
We have invested in developing our potential with continuous personnel training and specialization, in order to be always up to date in the rapidly evolving corporate and fiscal systems in the Region.
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Italian Certified Public Accountant, Auditor, Member Australia CPA, American Institute of CPAs, Hong Kong Institute of CPAs. Has taught taxation at Shanghai JiaoTong University. His areas of expertise are international taxation, M&A and Group taxation. He is the author of several tax publications and regularly holds seminars on the Far East Region.

Giorgio Riccardi

Italian Certified Public Accountant, Auditor, Master Degree in Economics at UIBE Beijing. His areas of expertise include personal tax planning, corporate taxation and direct foreign investments in Asia. He published several articles on international taxation and corporate regulations

Nicola Alessandro Cieri

Master's Degree in Law at Bologna University and LL.M. in International Legal Studies at Vienna University. His areas of expertise include tax and corporate law, company law, international trade and commercial law.

Luca Zheng

Double Master's degrees in International Business and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His areas of expertise include market entry, mergers, acquisitions and takeovers.

Mauro Dellisanti

Master Degree in Economics at Fudan University and Bachelor Degree University of Glasgow, Adam Smith Business School. 

His areas of expertise include international taxation and trade.

Simone Restaino

University of Siena. Economics and Banking. His areas of expertise include company evaluation, finance and banking, and free trade agreements.

Giada Condoluci

Ca' Foscari University of Venice. Her areas of expertise include structuring and reorganizing business in China and Asia-Pacific, multi-jurisdiction investments, and international and regional trade.

Chiara Macalli

IULM University, Italy. Her areas of expertise are cash flow reporting, treasury management, cross-border and administrative regulation, financial and management reporting, international accounting standards, bookkeeping and tax compliance.

Ivy Zhang

Certified Public Accountant, Auditor, holds a Master Degree in Economics from Shanghai University of Foreign Trade. Her area of expertise is internal audit, PRC GAAP and International Accounting Standards. Before joining the firm she previously worked with Ernst & Young.

Johanna Zhong

Qualified Accountant, Degree in Accounting. Her areas of expertise include international trade taxation, export tax refund and administrative management of trading and manufacturing companies.

Li Yongli

Qualified Auditor, holds a Degree in Accounting at Fudan University in Shanghai. Her areas of expertise include PRC Accounting Standards, and corporate taxation.

Tina Wang

Qualified Accountant. Her areas of expertise include VAT, corporate management, PRC tax law, PRC GAAP and financial reporting.

Annie Cai

Qualified Accountant, Accounting Bachelor Degree at Shanghai Jiaotong University. Her areas of expertise include international accounting standards, PRC GAAP and financial reporting.

Monica Liu

Certified Public Accountant, Auditor. Degree Master in international accounting and Financial management, University of Glasgow. Her areas of expertise are internal audit, PRC GAAP, HK GAAP and international Accounting standards. Before joining the firm she previously worked with Deloitte.

Antonio Severo

Master's Degree in Business Administration and Law at "L. Bocconi" University (Milan, Italy).His areas of expertise include Accounting, Corporate Finance, Tax and Business Law. Before joining the firm he worked for Deloitte.

Fan Xinying

Qualified Lawyer, Degree in Law. Her areas of expertise include taxation, employment law and compliance.

Christina Shi

Qualified Accountant, Degree in Accounting at Central South Forest University of Economic and Trade. Her areas of expertise are PRC Accounting Standards, financial report and tax administration.

Nino Zhang

Qualified Accountant, Degree in Finance at Shanghai Institute of Technology. Her areas of expertise include general accounting, PRC accounting standards, Financial reports and tax administration.

Casey Wu

Qualified Accountant, Degree in Accounting, Economics and Finance at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Her areas of expertise include personal taxation, PRC General Accepted Accounting Standards and indirect taxation. 

Allan Cai

MBA at Fudan University and University of Hong Kong. His areas of expertise include tax and corporate law, company law, international trade and commercial law.

Connie Zhou

Degree at Middle China Science Technology University. Her areas of expertise are cash flow reporting, treasury management, administrative regulation.

Federica Zucchinali

Counsel Lawyer, registered with the Italian Bar Association. Master's degree in law at Bergamo University. Her areas of expertise include civil law, commercial law, company law.

Stella Yao

Certified Public Accountant, degree in Accounting at Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance. Her areas of expertise include internal audit, PRC GAAP, financial reporting and company taxation.

Sofie Yu

Qualified Accountant. Degree in International Accounting at Anhui University.
Her areas of expertise include VAT, corporate management, PRC tax law, PRC General Accepted Accounting Standards and Financial Reporting.

Dominic Chan

Certified Public Accountant, practicing in Hong Kong, Member CPA Australia, Master Degree in Accounting and Finance. His areas of expertise are personal tax planning, corporate taxation and direct foreign investments in Asia.

Linda Chen Jun Yan

Certified Public Accountant, degree from Hefei Technology University. Her areas of expertise are PRC GAAP, financial reporting, personal tax planning, and corporate taxation.

Jean Han

Qualified Accountant, holds a Degree in Accounting at Fudan University in Shanghai. Her areas of expertise include PRC Accounting Standards, financial management and personal taxation.

Martina Wu

Qualified Accountant, Degree in Finance at Chongqing University. Her areas of expertise include VAT, corporate management, PRC tax law, PRC GAAP and financial reporting.

Marco Montanari

Italian Certified Public Accountant, Audit, Master's Degree in Economics, Bergamo University. His areas of expertise include EU taxation, corporate taxation, transfer pricing, international accounting standards and group financial reporting.

Lancy Luo

Bachelor's degree at Zhixing University of Hubei. Her areas of expertise include PRC Accounting Standards, VAT, Individual Income Tax, financial management and audit.

Peter Zhang

Qualified Accountant, Degree in Computer Technology, Jiangsu Normal University Studies. 

His areas of expertise are tax administration, PRC General Accepted Accounting Standards and indirect taxation.

Guy Man

Degree in Business Administration at Huddersfield University. His areas of expertise are personal tax planning, corporate taxation and direct foreign investments in Asia.

Angela Liu

Senior accountant. Degree in Accounting at Shanghai Lixin University. Her areas of expertise include tax administration, PRC General Accepted Accounting Standards and indirect taxation.

Giada Yu Zhang

Qualified Accountant. Her areas of expertise include VAT, corporate management, PRC tax law, PRC GAAP and financial reporting.

Qi Xiaoru 

Qualified Auditor, holds a Degree in Economics at Shanghai University. Her areas of expertise include international taxation, IFRS and financial reporting.

Xu Leijue  

Certified Public Accountant, Fudan University. His areas of expertise are financial reporting, PRC accounting standards and cross-border taxation.

Julie Huang

Qualified Accountant. Fudan University. Her areas of expertise include general accounting, PRC accounting standards, financial reports and tax administration.

Jessie Xu

Qualified Accountant. East China University of Science and Technology. Her areas of expertise include tax administration, PRC General Accepted Accounting Standards and indirect taxation.

Tina Chen

Dongguan University of Technology. Her areas of expertise include tax and corporate law, company law, international trade and commercial law.

Dongjie Chen

Cattolica University. His area of interest includes accounting and financial reporting, international taxation, and multi-jurisdiction investments.

Wendy Yao

Fudan University. Her areas of interest include international, corporate law, company law, mergers, acquisitions and takeovers.

Chiara Vescovi

University of Bergamo. Her area of interest includes structuring and reorganizing business in China and Asia-Pacific, and company evaluation.

Xueyan Ni

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Her areas of interest include, domestic and cross-border regulations, structuring and reorganizing business in China and Asia-Pacific.

 Xinyu Liu 

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Her areas of interest include structuring and reorganizing business in China and Asia-Pacific, and company evaluation.

Defne Gundogdu

University of Glasgow. Her area of interest includes accounting and financial reporting, international taxation, and multi-jurisdiction investments.

Fiona Zhang

Fudan University. Her area of interest includes accounting and financial reporting, international taxation, and multi-jurisdiction investments.

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